Tuesday, February 10, 2009

simple day...

It's a cloudy Tuesday here in our little part of Texas today and we're expected to have some stormy weather, so I hear, later this evening. Rain, thunder and lightening, wind and possible hail and tornados...oh joy!

It's a simple day here this February 10th...
We did manage to get ourselves up and dressed and out the door to story time at the library. We normally attend Wednesdays session, but tomorrow Hunt has his 4yr check up appointment with the Doc, so we went today. As true to the season and month today's story time was about Valentines Day. We saw a short movie(very very cute!). I think it was called "Because I Love You". And we heard a story-Froggy's First Kiss. Then the young'uns even got to play a rhyming valentine card game. We also did a little valentine craft as well.

Due to unfavorable weather later I'm sure we'll just hang around the house today and work on our Valentine cards and goodies. Our Early Childhood PTA group is having a Valentine party this Friday. I'm planning on bringing ice for the drinks and some tasty goodies. Maybe mint heart candies(I just found this yummy recipe last night) or maybe the lemon scones that I've had in the back of my mind to bake up. We'll see what I come up with.

Everyone in Texas stay safe and dry and to all have a Super Evening!...

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