Wednesday, February 11, 2009

oh those dreadful shots...

awwww...peace....Hubs has left for work and Hunt is napping. Now I can have some quiet time. Time to sit and relax a bit. With clothes in the dryer, lunch made and put away and dishes washed I feel I've earned a little "me" time.

What a beautiful morning it was. Or at least until 9:00 am rolled around and we headed out the door for Hunt's 4 year check up with Dr. Countoumanos. He knew he was going, but what he didn't know was that he would be getting vaccinations.
So we arrive and check in and Hunt makes his rounds around the waiting room visiting the two fish aquariums and the couple of toys they have out. The movie Cars is playing on the tvs posted around the waiting room. We don't have a very long delay until we're called to the back rooms. Hunt gets weighed(37.4 lbs), and his height gets measured(40 1/2"). His temperature is checked along with his blood pressure. We head into room C2 and the nurse tries to perform a hearing test on him. It doesn't work out to well so she says it's not that necessary(unless we have some concerns) and that they will do another at 5 years. Then it's back down the hall for an eye test. It goes pretty well. Back in the room we're told to remove his clothing except for undies and he's even given a cute little hospital gown with dinosaurs to put on. I didn't bring a camera, so I manage to shoot a couple of photos of Hunt in his first hospital gown with my phone. He tells the nurse that he does not want to lay down. I think he knows laying down means getting a SHOT. So he stays up reading books, jumping around and keeping busy until the doctor comes in. She asks him and I questions and checks him over..."growing nicely and healthy" she says. "51% on his height and 50% on his weight". Then she goes over some of the usual stuff...."he eats what you fix, you're not a short order cook"..."he's not going to go hungry if he doesn't eat"..."use time outs for behavior issues"..."stays in the child seat while in the car"...etc, etc. Before leaving Hunt is sure to tell her that he doesn't want to lay down on the table. So she leave the room and Hunt gets dressed back in his clothes. A few moments later the nurse comes back in with the dreaded vaccination tray. A little blue dish with 4 needles, 4 cotton swabs and 4 band-aids. She tells me to pull his pants down to his knees and pull one arm out of the shirt sleeve. I get him laid back and still. The poor look in his eyes...he knows whats going to happen. First it's the right leg with 2 shots, then the left leg with 1 shot and finally the left arm with 1 shot. He did good until the second shot on the right leg and then he started to cry. I felt so sorry for him. To get 4 shots at once is no fun at all. And after the last shot in the arm is complete and all the band-aids are applied he says with a crying voice..."I don't want any more". You don't have to have any more baby, I tell him. Feeling sympathetic and a little guilty at the same time. My poor little dear. Looking at me through helpless eyes. As if to say...why didn't you tell me this was coming. Why aren't you helping me??? When all is done he gets to sift through a basket full of little toys to pick one for all his trouble and pain. Seems like such a horribly small price to pay. 4 shots and 1 little 25cent toy. So he checks out a whistle, a finger puppet and a dinosaur. We decide on the dinosaur. I may have picked up the whistle to, you know, by mistake. He deserved it anyway. So yes I'm bad! And I don't care. My baby was upset and still hurt from the torture. And maybe mama felt a wee bit better just giving him another silly prize. We leave the office and all is well now.

So we'll hang out around here. Working on more Valentine cards, maybe some school work(since this mornings was missed do to the Dr visit) and maybe even a movie later. Just taking it easy.

Why don't you just take it easy with us to?...

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