If you don't see a blog from me in the next few days it could be because I'm in the hospital recovering from pneumonia. I was out in the rain this evening...but not by choice. Don't laugh because it's not funny...well maybe from a reader's point of view it may be...I had to take Hunt to the prosthetics office, so on the way back I thought we would drop in on JoAnn's fabric and crafts for a peak at some goodies(at least in my eyes). Hunt was a bit tired and cranky of course because of the lack of a nap today. He was whining, saying "pay for it" meaning pay for your crap mom so we can leave! I paid for our stuff(I say OUR because I bought some clay for him to sculpt with)and we headed out to the Tahoe. I loaded him in and buckled him up and then loaded in my bags, purse and keys...hears where the shit hits the fan...I shut the door and went around to open the driver's door to get in. The *@#?&!(bleeping) thing was locked!! UGHHHHH! After going around and checking all doors I realize SHIT!!!!!! I have nothing but my good looks with me(which is not going to get me far at all)everything is in the Tahoe. The kid, the keys, the phone...etc. God what am I going to do? I'm such a idiot! It's sad because my MAJOR dread is not so much that my stuff including Hunt is in the Tahoe(awful to say), it's more that I know I will have to somehow call hubs to come bail me out! So after a few choice words to myself I decide to go back inside the store and call hubs. I didn't want to leave Hunt in the truck all by himself, but what was I to do? I tried to talk to him through the window glass. I did everything I could to try to get him out of the car seat. The poor thing couldn't unbuckle the seat straps to save his life...or to save mommy a call to daddy. At first he was just laughing. I think he thought I was just playing. So I ran inside to call hubs. Here's how the conversation went...
him: hello(loud noise in the back ground)
me: hey honey I locked my keys in the car and...
him: I can't hear you, I'll have to call you back
him: oh great! Ok I'll see you in a little while...oh my extra set is at home...damn
me: ok by
him: (discouraged) bye
I went back out to the truck and made a few more attempts at try to get Hunt to get out of the car seat and open the door. No such luck! So I just talked to him for a while. He did start crying a little. I guess he kind of figured out that mom wasn't teasing him and started to get a tad bit worried. All I could do was lean over on the door/window and peer in the Tahoe and try to keep Hunt calm.
I'm sure the people that saw me out in the parking lot thought I was casing a car for a crime. At his point the rain had not started up yet...but that was short lived. After about 10 min. it started in...first slowly and then a little heavier. SO here I am slumped over the Tahoe, looking like a drowned dog as the rain comes down as well as the sun.
About 25 min after calling hubs he arrives in his nice work van with the LARGE company name on the side(most of you guys know what company that is). I really looked like a fugitive then. Any-who he decided against going home for the extra keys and calls OnStar...great-ful that we still are signed up for it. After a few questions from OnStar the doors unlock and I'm saying a Thank You Lord and thank goodness for OnStar. Had this not worked, I would have been out in the cool weather and rain for another 35-45 min. while hubs drove home and back.
I'm still not sure just how it happened. The keys were on the passenger seat(snickering at me). I didn't push the auto lock button on them or the door. It was just freaky. I know that things happen for a reason and to teach us a lesson of some sorts, so what would this one be? Ok besides...hang on to your keys until you're actually IN the vehicle!
On a brighter note...here's Hunt's question for today...
Ask My 3 Year Old...
What is a mothball?
Hunt:moffbaws(moth balls) a cow.
Our trial art class was fun today. I guess because I enjoy art and crafts so much. So I'm not sure if I want to sign Hunt up for either the music or art classes yet. I think he might enjoy the music class better than the art.
Count down has officially begun...one month and 8 days until VACATION!!! Yey!!!
And to let you know I snuck in some cauliflower and zucchini puree into our scrambled eggs today. Couldn't even tell. Hubs LOVES eggs SOOOO SOOOO much...oh if he only knew!...