Well Hello March!
{look at this gorgeous smile!}
Glad to see you around again! Will you be bringing warmer weather to us? Just curious because I'm getting a little tired of the cold!
Man Saturday was such a perfect day though! So beautiful and nice!
The four of us woke up early and got ready...half and half off to do different things. Hunt and Daddy to the deer lease with Uncle David then later the Monster Jams show. Emma and Mama to Canton with my great friend Stephanie and her son James.
It was pretty cold that morning, but later warmed up with the sun shining.
Hunt and Daddy had a nice time at the lease. They saw about 30 turkeys and drove through the creek water and some mud! Of course he liked that! After stopping for lunch they came home and got a nap.
Then it was off to Dallas to see some Monster Trucks!!!
Daddy said Hunt was whooping and hollering like everyone else and doing the wave with the rest of the fans! They both had a fun time! Daddy even took a few photos!!! YAY Daddy, Good Job!!!
Hunt loved reliving the shows events by telling me all the trucks that were there and what they did!
"There was even a girl one"...he told me! He had to show me all the truck photos in his program book that he got. And his cool t-shirt. Oh...and the funny truck tire earphone things! They were so silly!
I asked him his favorite truck and he said it was the Batman one!
The worst part for hubs was the 45 minutes he waited just to get out of his parking spot there at the stadium! And let me tell you I'm sure he was not a happy camper! By the time they got home it was really late and Hunt was SO tired and starting to get cranky! But Daddy said that he had been a good boy all day!
Canton was fantastic, as usual! I LOVE THAT PLACE!!!
I bought a few goodies, not a lot. I wanted to get Miss Em some bloomers with her name embroidered on them, but the wait was too long. So I guess I'll be ordering some soon through the internet! I saw tons of things I would love to have(like always), but restrained myself well, HA! Maybe not next time though!
Stephanie got a bad headache and started feeling sick on the way home :(
Em did superb! Just wonderful! I was worried how I was going to manage the feedings and everything, but it worked out so well.
I made Em a cute outfit to wear Saturday. Some ruffled leg pants and a matching onesie. Added a sweet little hat and bow to complete the look!
You know sometimes a girl just needs new duds to feel her best,ha!
I'm sure that was why she was an angel the entire day to!
Look how sweet!!!
Little Em has been working on her sitting! Here are a few pics I snapped quickly...
She started to get lower and lower.
Wow look at that drool hanging down!
Here's some other cute pictures of this little "Chunka Munka"...
She loves her beads! Maybe she's going to be a girly girl! Nah...just loves the feel on the gums!
She's been finding these a whole lot lately...
Them toes!!! Good for sucking!!!
Happy March to you all!!!
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