The past five or so days have been sort of draining. Not that a whole lot has been going on, just my tired self pooping out.
Friday Hunt, Em and I spent some afternoon(and after nap)time at the park. Hunt played what I believe was his first game of tag. I say this because of the fact that he didn't understand the entire concept of the game. He did good at chasing the others and catching them, but when he tagged them he didn't turn and run that meant that he was tagged "it" again. Oh well he had fun and he'll learn. It was also funny that his official name was "hey little kid". It appeared that the other boys new each others name(probably due to the fact that they lived close to the park and/or go to school together. Oh how the weather was nice! I'm so ready for warmer weather! And Miss E was great! I think she's turning into an outdoors kinda girl. She just sat there in my lap or in her stroller and looked all around.
It was of the boys had a cell phone and made a call to his mother. At the end of the conversation he told her that he loved her. Awww!!! Another boy there kinda laughed and made a comment about him saying that. Well, you know me I couldn't just sit there and keep my mouth shut. So, I said in a loud voice..."You are never too old to tell your mother that you love her"! And I told him that mother's love to hear that from their kids! I'm sure that the boy that made the comment to the other one thought I was crazy! Ha!
But really...geez...what is wrong with the youth of America?! I hope Hunt never feels that it's uncool to tell me he loves me. I'm holding out hope, but I'm sure the day will come...(sniff, sniff)!
I have to get up on a soap box for a minute...
Why is it that some people are just "A" holes?!!! I mean what the heck?!!! Why MUST they be so rude and demanding?!!! Why do they act as though they need to prove something?!!! And then why am I surprised at this...not sure! Sometimes things are SO can see how situations are going to play out. typical!
{just had to throw this in here, nothing to do with the boys at the park}
...ok, I'm done...
Now what else...
Saturday I wanted to get out of the house, so we took a little drive. It was a nice short trip.
We had dinner this past Sunday at Cooper's BBQ in Fort Worth. I thought it was better than the time I ate at the one in Llano. Hub's didn't think so.
Later that night hubs got really, really sick! Poor thing! Throwing up on an off all night and into the next morning. His tummy still wasn't all that great yesterday. I think he must have caught the bug that is going around. Thankfully the babes and I haven't got it! I didn't even get any type of a birthday photo or anything ;( I did get him a little cake, but sadly no photo of that either.
Hunt, Em and I did enjoy story time at the library yesterday. Both young'uns did good. I enjoy going to story time and so does Hunt. He loves books anyway. The theme was about hats so at the end all the kids made a hat to wear.
So Hunt has been using the phrase..."Mom, ok here's the deal...". Then he follows it up with something he has in mind he wants to do or doesn't want to do. Silly boy!
And Miss Em has been like this the last day and a half...
Oh say a prayer for this mama...
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