And it seems that I can only manage to update my blog once a week these days...
We still haven't been doing much around here. Blame it on a pregnant, fat, lazy mama! Today we ventured outdoors for some playtime. Hunt needed some time to run off some stink and swing and play with sidewalk chalk and trucks and of course bugs! He was all too excited when he picked up a piece of tree bark and exclaimed..."This is GREAT! Look mama at all the bugs"! he came running over to me to show off his new find. And he was right it had doodle bugs of all sizes along with one lonely snail. Such cool-ness to a 4 year old little boy!
And don't kids say the funniest things sometimes?! Today along with our meal of baked chicken, stuffing, gravy and carrots I decided we needed some brownies...ok, well mama needed some brownies(don't tell my Endocrinologist). I sat Hunt down with one this evening and he said..."But mama, there's brownie seeds in here!". I was like...what???? Then I remembered that the brownies had walnuts inside. "No Hunt, those are nuts in there". "Oh" he says. Silly, silly, silly! And honestly I don't recall ever making brownies for us before...this was his first. Well he liked it and I'm sure he'll be asking for more!
Monday I had to go to the lab and get blood drawn for lab work for the Endocrinologist. Not sure I want to hear any results. Hope all is good.
Tuesday I had to pick up some lip stuff from a mama in the KECPTA group. Hunt and I ran by her house and stayed for a bit. We talked and the boys played. It was nice to have a little mama time with an adult.
Wednesday Hunt and I HAD to make a trip to Target. Is it just me or can you go in there and spend WAY too much without planning on it? Geez! Such good stuff!
It's funny because these days, whenever we go to a store hubs is always sure to tell Hunt...We're NOT buying any toys! Well as I was helping Hunt out of the truck he stated to me..."Mamam, daddy's not here to say we're not buying any toys!"...what a toot! Like I cave in every time! Please! Not every time, just sometimes! I know...I'm not a very good mama for doing that!
Sunday we meet Kelley and Ken and did some running around with them and finished the day off with dinner at Hard Eight bbq. So very very good!
We made a stop by Barnes and Nobel and I purchased a few magazines and some books. I came home with I Love Dirtand Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I've been wanting these books for a while now, so i splurged and got them. So that's 2 knocked off my book list! The I Love Dirt book gives examples of activities and outdoor teaching/learning. A book to get you outdoors and enjoy nature and the world around you. To help you notice things and play games that give you and your child a different edge on life. I've heard that it's a good one to have, so it's added to our ever growing book collection. The other book, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, is full of bread and dough recipes that can be put together in 5 minutes...YAY for that!!! I have 2 recipes for bread that I really love and use regularly. I read that this book has some of the easiest and best recipes for different types of breads out there. Again...don't tell my Endocrinologist! I've scanned through the book rather fast, but spotted several I'm ready to try. Now if I can just not fell guilty about that bread board I want on would be nice to have it to help out with the kneading(ahem)...
I also bought Hunt a book titled...What to Expect When Mommy's Having a Baby . It tells a little about the entire pregnancy from the growing belly to delivery. And a little more. Some of it I wasn't sure I wanted Hunt to hear yet, so I bypassed those parts. But all and all a cute book. There are 2 more I want to get to. One for when I'm in the hospital, after delivery. If I remember right it's called something like...I'm a Big Brother Now. But don't quote me on that.
Thanks to my friend Inez for suggesting me gets some books for Hunt about the new member coming to our family!
Saturday the three of us took a little trip to Corsicana to Gander Mountain. It's a sporting good store. Hunt and Hubs liked it, was ok. But we did drive a little around the corner to the Russel Stover candy factory outlet. Bad decision! Again...shhhh...Endocrinologist may not want to hear this. So we were there and I had to purchase something...right?! But I was kinda good and didn't get a lot.
28 weeks now...sorry no new photo.
Tomorrow I go to the OB for check up and sonogram. I'll be going every two weeks now for them. Kind of a hassle, but yay for new Emma pictures! Please Lord let it still be a little girl! If not, this little baby boy will look awful cute in these dresses and hair bows that I've been making!
I go the Endocrinologist Monday. Not looking forward to that at all.
Hunt has been talking and singing to Emma. It's so very sweet! He says..."hey Emma can you hear me, are you in there?" I'm so so excited to have Hunt and Emma meet. What a special time it will be! I'm so blessed! He's going to be a super Big Brother!
I've been busy sewing more stuff so I'll have to post photos of those maybe next round...
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