It seems that I will never get them all posted, or at least part of my huge photo upload posted.
This first set was Christmas gift exchange with dear friends Kel and Ken. We didn't make the exchange by Christmas, but who cares when you've got good friends around. We spent part of the day at the boat show and then dinner. Afterwards we came back to our house and had our little belated Christmas.
Kel and Ken just hanging out.
Hunt and Kel. Hunt checking out the picture frame note center that I made her.
Here's Kel with the scarf I made. It kinda matches mine that I posted about in a previous post.
Hunt and mama! My sweetie pie!
Hunt playing with one of his gifts. A Diego dino tower.
And Hunt opening more presents.
Even though Christmas seemed rushed this year, it was still a nice time. Just look at this cutie! I swear I could just eat him up! I managed to get him to wear a scarf.
We have a tradition on Christmas Eve that Hunt or any other kiddos we may have someday, can open one gift. In the gift is new Christmas pjs and a small toy or goodie. Hunter got some red and brown puppy dog pjs and a car.
Christmas Eve was also spent partly at my cousins house where we did my families gift exchange. Just a few of those pics...
Hunt and part of cousin Isabella.
Every year the Keller Early Childhood PTA group that I'm in has a Christmas party. Everyone gets together and enjoys some snacks and crafts and usually we have a visitor wearing a red suit...a jolly man with a white beard. This year was no different. The kids got to make Christmas lists and later show Santa the lists. Since all the children are ages infant to 5 years the lists consisted of cut out pictures of toys glued to a sheet of holiday paper. We also took part on a cookie exchange. Anyone who wished to participate in the exchange simply brought 3 dozen homemade cookies. We then set them out and everyone got to go around and pick up a few of each one. All in all the party was good. The kids enjoyed seeing each other and of course seeing Santa.
Here is a photo of the cookies that we made for the exchange. Sugar cookies with royal icing.
Hunt cutting out toys for his list to Santa.
Hunt showing his list to some of his pals.
Santa arrived and stopped by our table to have a little chat.
Here's Hunt discussing his list of "wants" to Santa.
Hunt, Santa and Mrs. Claus
Hunt opens up a book gift from Santa. His good friend Jeffery looks on.
Hunt and Jeffery running and playing something. I'm not sure what they were trying to be.
Hunt and some friends playing/running and being loud. 2 minutes later everyone's fun came to an end as we told them all to stop the running and yelling.
Look at the yummy cookies we got from the cookie exchange.
Gotta go. More soon!
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