Hunt's Birthday party was on Saturday February 6th at Putt Putt in Hurst. Most of the family was there and several of our friends.
Thanks to everyone that came and celebrated Hunt's Birthday! He had a blast and I hope all of ya'll did to!
The kiddos played games, we ate cake and ice cream, Hunt opened presents and then off to the video games and such.
I have to tell you that I thought there for a bit that it was going to be a disaster.
We were on our way to Putt Putt when my friend Steph called and said that she went inside and said that she was there for Hunt's birthday party. They told her that they didn't have his name down for a party. So she was waiting out in the parking lot. We arrived there and went inside. And sure enough when I asked about the party we were not down on the list as having reservations! UGHHH... I was just a little upset to say the least! The girl went and got the manager and they luckily had a room available for us. Thank goodness! There was about to be a VERY VERY upset Mama and Papa! And not to mention a Very Very upset little guy. I guess Jose(who took down my info when I called and set everything up)failed to write us down! Looser!!!
I still CAN NOT believe that Hunt is 5 now!
Hunt and his AWESOME Monster Truck cake!
The bakery we've always got to do our cakes ALWAYS does such a cute job decorating the cakes and they taste...OH SO GOOD!!!
Hunt and his buddy from school Jack!
Silly Birthday Boy...Mama loves you !!!!!
Who wants to Limbo?!
And they tried musical chairs. It didn't work out too well...hahaha
Cake time!!!
Time to open gifts!
And off to the video games...
Little sister Emma slept through the party.
We headed outside to ride a few rides. We decided to come back when it's a little warmer to play putt putt.
Hunt and cousin Mick rode the air planes a few times.
Mama had to ride the little roller coaster with Hunt. You have to be a certain height to ride by yourself. When he found out I had to ride it with him he gave me a look's not cool to ride rides with your mom!...HA! But he liked it! Kenny had to ride with cousin Mick.
Then it was back indoors for a snack and a few more games before we had to leave.
Grandma did get to spend a little time with the littlest of the Harvey grandbabies, Emma.
That night it was late when we got home, but we let Hunt play with one birthday toy before bed. He decided on the legos.
So I put these cute stickers on a couple of bags of Hershey's mini candy bars that read...Happy 5th Birthday(on the front)and Thanks for Celebrating With Me(on the back). I put some in the favor bags and intended on putting the rest out on the cake table for everyone to enjoy. And...totally forgot about them! Dang it all! Oh well.
Sunday we attended a birthday party for our little friend Kash who turned 2. He was the little guy at Hunt's party in the overalls, boots and cap. Such a cutie pie! Hunt had a fun time and Kash got some wonderful goodies.
I saw this on a friend's blog and thought it was cute!
I asked Hunt some questions and here are his responses...
1. What is something mommy always says to you? "I love you!"
2. What makes mommy happy? "I be good"
3. What makes mommy sad? "Tearing up toys"
4. How does your mommy make you laugh? "Do funny tricks."
5. What was your mommy like as a child? "A little girl"
6. How old is your mommy? "7"
7. How tall is your mommy? "4 feet"
8. What is her favorite thing to do? "Put on make-up and go somewhere"(funny...I don't wear much make-up at all!)
9. What does your mommy do when you're not around? "Work downtown"(i use to)
10. If your mommy becomes famous, what will it be for? "Halloween"
11. What is your mommy really good at? "Being good for me"
12. What is your mommy not very good at? "Not helping me clean up"
13. What does your mommy do for a job? "Clean up"
14.What is your mommy's favorite food? "Pizza"
15.What makes your mommy proud of you? "When I don't hit anyone"
16. If your mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be? "The Incredibles mommy"
17. What do you and your mommy do together? "We like to play"
18. How are you and your mommy the same? "Because our head"
19. How are you and your mommy different? "Our hands are different; we have different nails"
20. How do you know your mommy loves you? "Because you give me kisses and hugs!"
21. What does your mommy like most about your daddy? "He goes to work."(hahaha...not true though)
22. Where is your mommy's favorite place to go? "JoAnn's"
I bought these cute heart shaped pasta at World Market several weeks ago. I thought they would be neat to eat around Valentines in a dish and yesterday we tried them out. I made some yummy chicken noodle soup to warm our bellies. I kind of used a lot more noodels than the recipe recommnded, but it was still really good. The chicken was left overs that I froze from our last baked chicken. And I added some of the drippings I had froze also to the soup stock to.
Here's the pasta in the bag(before).
And the yummy soup!
Hunt liked it!!!
Hunt was suppose to have his school valentines party today, but they cancelled school due to the weather. So now if school is open Monday on President's Day they will have it then...Or Wednesday. The kiddos and I had also planned a trip to grandma's today to pass out Valentine cards and goodies, but that was postponed to.
We've been having some crazy snow and even hit a record here in North Texas! I'll post some of the snow pictures on my next I'm sure you are bored with all the photos I put in of his party :) ...ha!
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