Happy Birthday Mom!!!
Today would have been my mother's birthday. I hope she is looking down on us and knows that we miss her oh so much. I hope that she knows how much she meant and still means to me! She was such a terrific person and a super mother! Miss you very much! Love you always!!!
So Hunt is still got a cough and some congestion. I'm on the fence about taking him to the pediatrician. Especially since one of his class mate's mothers took her son to the dr with a cough, only to be told they needed to continue with over the counter meds...no prescriptions needed. And in the past we have been told the same!
So for now I guess we will continue with our over the counter types. He hasn't ran a fever at all or anything like that, it's just the cough and congestion...oh and that wonderful hacking up mucus sound!
I did send him back to school last Friday and again today.
The rest of last week, other than Friday, was spent at home playing slap jack, spanish bingo, candy land and a few other games. We've also been finishing up the Thanksgiving lapbook, which I'll share with you when complete. Hunt and I watched one of the traditional holiday movies...a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
Daddy went to the lake house with Ken for the weekend, so the two young'uns and I made a few stores to pick up some stuff for Christmas gifts I'm making. And fabric and material for Emma's Thanksgiving dress and hairband/bow. I found a sale on some baskets which we needed so badly for our books to go in.
I also have to share this....
How many of you have more than enough on your plate, but still seem to keep adding to it? Like crafts or art projects. Maybe it's just me then! To start out with I have Hunt-4 and Emma-itty bitty. That alone is enough to drive you crazy sometimes!
So here's a short run down of random things that I worked on, had to do or that happened today....
~officially started the day at 6, although I was up way earlier to feed a little girl
~took Hunt to school
~had an early morning music request of Deep in the Jungle by Joe Scruggs from Hunt..never mind the fact we listened to it ALL weekend long
~a stop to Starbucks for some pumpkin spice latte
~sat down to feed Emma so many times I forgot
~started Emma's dress
~some cleaning
~dropped a whole roll of TP in the toilet...klutz!
~3 emails and 4 phone calls for the Casa Manana performance activity to various members and Casa Manana sales manager(I'm in charge of this for the KECPTA group
~cooked a lunch(hubs is on 2nd shift for 2 days)
~picked Hunt up from school
~helped Hunt with homework
~helped Hunt with lapbook activities(involving paints, markers, glue and scissors)
~read several books throughout the day to Hunt as well as a bedtime story(but this is a daily activity for us)
~save a husband from a screaming infant
~hand wash dishes...did I mention our dish washer leaked last time I used it
~some laundry
~looked for a missing police costume for a upset 4 year old...who has been wearing it daily everyday for many days
~watched 2 cops duel it out in my bedroom(full uniforms and handcuffs at the ready)
~then saw one off to work
~was attacked by a rubber cockroach and spider with the help of my first born...while washing dishes
~handed over an empty paper towel roll to a hungry beaver(a certain little guy who lives with me)who needed a log to eat
~helped make fruit out of modeling clay for Hunt's wooden pot
~passed out meds to H man throughout the day
~was shot at by a tank
~fixed a quick dinner for 1 and a half
~answered various questions about our lunch topic...Thanksgiving
~painted a bit on a project I'm working on
~gathered ingredients for pumpkin bread and yummy cookies
~repeated the phrase..."get out of your sister's face, remember you're still coughing" more than enough times
~was asked by my son, while he was on the toilet, if I was eating his log(see above beaver comment)
~was thankful I didn't have errands that had to be done today
~while feeding Miss E, quickly ran through some emails and blogs
Now, typing this and re-reading it, this is pretty much a typical day at the Harvey House. Not much different than any other!
Just a regular day to us moms!!!!
Cuteness photo of the day...
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