Monday, March 2, 2009

weekend, in a nut shell...

Here we are again, back from the weekend and ready to start the week.

It's still been pretty quiet around here. With not too much going on.

Saturday we attended a retirement party for two of hub's co-workers in Burleson. The couple worked together with hubs and both were retiring to their ranch near Hillsboro. Everyone meet at Spring Creek Bar-B-Que around lunch time and had lunch and visited. Invitation was given to us by the couple to come out and visit them sometimes. Go fishing in the lake or let Hunt ride the tractor or tend to the cows. So we'll have to make a day trip there sometimes.

After lunch we went to a TSC(Tractor Supply Company) store and then to two feed stores. TSC had some sweet bunnies they were selling, I guess since Easter isn't that far off. Hunt kept asking if we could buy one. I told him that I didn't think so. He had a nice time of petting them over and over and over.
At one of the feed stores I purchased 2 small tomato plants and some small onion plants as well as a small brussel sprout plant to. I thought what the heck...give um a try...since my tomato seeds didn't sprout anyway. So now I need to keep them alive until I think we won't have any more frosts so they can be planted outdoors.
At the other feed store hubs bought a small practice rope for Hunt and some fresh eggs.

Sunday we had dinner with hub's parents and brother and sister in law and little cousin. We went to Joe's Crab Shack and had some steamer bowls. Mine had 2 kinds of crab legs, sausage, shrimp, a corn on the cob and some new potatoes. It was VERY good and I ate it ALL!

So that was it, our weekend in a nut shell. Not too much. It's pretty sad that here lately the most I write about seems to be food...

Have a good week!...

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