We seem to have made it out fine. A few tree limbs down, but that's about it.
Swim lessons for Hunt were cancelled today, only after I drove there and waited 30 min. Oh well... I called this morning to ask about them and was told that they were still having them. When we got there we were told they were running behind about 10-15 min. Then just before the kiddos were to go in the pool area, the electricity went out and back on. All light in the building came back on with the exception of the pool area lights. Then shortly after that the parents were told that the 11:00 class was cancelled due to the weather, lights and lightening. So with an upset child, we headed home. I tried to explain to him why he didn't get to swim, but it was not much good. We will be making up the class next Wed. with a back to back class.
Yesterday we didn't do much either. Swim lessons in the morning(in which Hunt was SOOO excited to get to go off the water slide...and I didn't work quick enough to get a photo). We also made a trip to drop off books at the library and then to Academy sports store. Did I tell you they built one just down 377 really close to us. Yep, how nice!
That's about it. Kinda of boring days.
Had to throw this picture in...silly Hunt! He came to me and said..."look at my hat mama"! Just in case you can't tell what the heck it is, it's his toilet seat!
Tomorrow is my OB appointment and my appointment with the specialist. So hubs will be taking Hunt to swim lessons while I go to the OB. And I will take Hunt to my cousin while I go to the specialist. Busy day for sure! I'll be getting another sonogram to. Those are always fun to see.
Oh today I'm doing my 24 hour urine collection, I thought you should be reminded...I know how you look forward to hearing fun news like that!
Catch you soon...
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