Monday, October 13, 2008

we're back...

We made it back from our vacation last night. We had a pretty good time overall. Hubs tries so hard sometimes to please everyone and sometimes that means he can be a bit testy. If he could learn just to have a good time and let some of Hunt's actions slide he may have had a better time. Hubs seems to think that we aren't having a good time and then gets pissy. I have to say that he got on my nerves some during vacation. But like I said overall we had fun. I'll be doing laundry for a month solid now just to get caught up. And now I feel I need a vacation from the vacation. Just me...with NO BOYS ALLOWED!...hehehe I only wish! I love my guys, but sometimes I need a rest/break from them.
I picked Zoe up today from the vet where I had her boarded while we were gone. She's already a spaz, but when she saw me...she went ballistic! She was a solid ball of jumps and licks. Zoe was so excited to see was SO cute! And even though she's such a turd I have to say that I missed her. While we were on the beach I would see people there with there dogs playing in the ocean water and they looked so happy...I actually wished she was there! Of course if I let her loose like that on the beach I would never catch her again.
Now it's back to our everyday life. Work for hubs and everything else for Hunt and I.
I'll get more vacation news posted and pictures to. But...don't hold your may be a little while...

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