Sunday, August 19, 2012

January is 7...

~August 19, 2012~ GOOD GRACIOUS!!!! ...was I ever shocked to see that the last post I sent on this almost non-existatnt blog was back in January! January people!!! What is 7 months ago?! We have done SO much since then! I am going to try to figure out this photo issue I had back then. This was the main reason I had stopped posting to our family blog diary in the first place!
It did let me add this photo...silly me... So we will see if I can keep it going in the future. We are in "gettting Hunt ready for Back To School" mode around our house. He'll be a second grader this year!!! SECOND GRADER!!!! I swear the summer has flown by and is gone already! We did some fun things, not as many as I had hoped to do though, but still a fun summer non-the-less. Well I'm gonna end this post for now until I get some photos ready to upload. Let's hope it will come through ok. Holler at ya'll later!

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