Let's see what's been going on...
Hunt finished his level 2 swim lessons. I was a little confused about this set though. He got a certificate saying that he completed level 2, but that the teacher recommended level 2 again so???? I wasn't sure what that meant. I know that he didn't fully complete all the requirements for level 2, but why did he get the certificate that he completed it???? Strange? Anyway we went ahead and signed him up for level 2 again. His previous teacher, Beth, was not one of the teachers available for level 2 again. There were 3 classes scheduled one at 10:00am, one at 4:30pm and one at 6:30pm. We'll I knew that the 6:30 was out of the question. That's just too late. So I really wanted the 10am class for two reasons. One is that I feel Hunt does better in the morning rather than the afternoon and second is that it is a male teacher. I kinda felt that he may listen to a male better. Anyway the class got filled before we signed up so we took the 4:30 slot. Hunt went twice to that class...and let me say thank goodness. The teacher did not watch the kids as well as I felt she should have and both days Hunt went under the water(while horsing around)and the instructor did not act quick enough for my likings. She didn't seem to be to concerned and took her time. Plus she didn't seem to work the children as hard as Beth. So when the receptionist told me as we left that they had an opening at the 10 am class I jumped on it. NOW...I'm not sure that I did the right thing again...this male instructor seems to do a whole lot less than the other one. UGHHHHH!!!! I even asked him, to be sure, that this was the level 2 class and not a level 1. The first time Hunt took the level 2, he was floating on his own(only partially assisted), jumping from the side of the pool and turning and swimming towards the wall on his own. Miss Beth even had the kids diving rings at 4 foot and learning how to take breaths as they were swimming. Hunt hasn't been doing any of this. I'm kinda upset because it seem that I spent this money on another level 1 class. I even spoke to this male instructor about this and he was like...oh really?... So I don't know what to do. I may still talk to a manager or something of the swim school. Ok I know that's enough of me blabbing on.
We've been out to the lake house a couple of times and rode the boat...and relaxed a lot. This past weekend we did a Cajun boil at the lake. It consisted of shrimp, crab legs, sausage, potatoes, onions and corn on the cob. It was GREAT!!! The 4th of July will be when we head out again. This time everyone will be there to celebrate the holiday and see our awesome firework show. Plus we'll get to stay for 4 days. I've already planned homemade ice cream(got some recipes to try from hub's great grandmother),4th of July themed cookies, popsicles, and I'm sure tons of other food. Maybe brisket, hamburgers and dogs etc....the usual cook out and grill foods. We haven't tubed or anything yet, so I'm sure we'll have to get Mable pumped up and give her a spin.
Let's see, Hunt has been doing VERY awesome on wearing big boy underwear and not pottying in them! Yea Hunt!!! I haven't pushed him on the issue, just been going with the flow. But now I'm kinda cracking down. He's almost completely trained anyway.
I signed Hunt up for the Texas Reading Club Jubilee. Kids earn prizes and such for reading so many hours. Or if they're young and can't read yet like Hunt, parents can read for them. We read stories every night before bed anyway, so the only extra step we have to do is log down the hours and times. Not a bad deal.
Oh and yes...as I promised...vacation pictures. Geez it's only been what...almost 2 months now...I guess it's about time...
Daddy showing Hunt dolphins as we ride the ferry to Port "A"
Hunt, Mommy and Daddy...acting silly!
These are just a few photos that I took. Of course I took more than enough as usual...
Just a quick thought...I didn't read through this so please forgive the writting skills...
Well, I've gotta run. It's getting late and I'm getting tired...tata
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