Just look at my silly little guy, straw hat in all. He wasn't helping me clean much, but I did get this goofy photo to use against him someday.
Here are the photos from the previous post that did not get uploaded...
Hunt's Birthday card to Emma and his hand prints.
Goodies daddy bought the babes at the Hunter's Extravaganza.
Emma's 2 re-purposed pillow case dresses mama made. The first photo is of a pocket I put on one to cover a stain.
The old antique baby doll that I just love, even though it seems at times a little creepy.
Here's the cradle I purchased from an antique store for the baby doll. It's a tad too little though, but still cute(and sturdy...a plus)And inside the cradle the baby rattles I made and embroidered. The middle bear is the one Hunt had to have.
We followed the sunshine outside a couple of days last week...
To do some workbook pages...
And try our blueberry granola we purchased at a health food store...
And to read some of Hunt's new Ranger Rick magazine. We learned about cougars...
2 weekends ago the three(errr 4) of us decided at the last minute to head out to the lake for a restful weekend. We hung out and relaxed. Kell and Ken couldn't make it, Ken's been really bad sick.
I found a good little consignment/junk store in town. It had some great prices and I'll be going back next trip to the lake. I bought Hunt a old-ish metal and plastic fire truck and Emma a little shirt and bird picture for her room. I paid $6.00 total.
Mama worked on some embroidery...
Hunt played with a "new-used" fire truck...
Hunt did some swimming...
This was mama's view that day...
Hunt practiced his floating...
We found a baby ladybug(that's Hunt's finger that it's on)...
More swimming...
And some rock collecting...
Chewed some grass...
More playing with rocks...
Dug in the dirt...
The previous Monday Hunt and I made some stops at a couple of health food stores. I wanted to pick up some calendula and check on a few other things. So we came home with the calendula, some blueberry granola mix(see photo of Hunt giving it a try above) and some organic lolli pops. I thought we did really good and behaved ourselves. I saw several things I wanted to get, but refrained. Hunt tried one of the lolli pops and it was surprisingly really good! There are 4 flavors in all, so we'll see how the others taste.
So to update you on the wipes solution I made...
I've been using it on Hunt when I need to help him wipe his tush. And it's been working great! Like I stated before I think maybe half the recipe amount of oil would be good still, but even the full recipe amount isn't too oily and super.
And it's been about a week since I filled my container with the towels and poured in the solution and it still smells fresh. (The recipe did state that after a week or so it may start to smell musty and to discard and make a new batch) (or if you are using the spray affect or storing it in a bottle then putting on the towels as needed it should last longer)
The new experiment I'm currently trying is a laundry detergent. Made from 4 simple and fairly cheap things. I've used it on a couple of batches of laundry and it seems to be doing good. I have not however used it on whites yet, so to me that will be the test! Also, I'm still in limbo on trying the fabric softener idea I read about. I guess If I have a problem with static and softness, I'll give it whirl.
Another new thing we started in our home last week was chores with Hunt. He earned some allowance money for cleaning up his room, help setting the dinner table and helping with trash. We will be adding more, but this is a start to see how it will work out, or if we need to change something.
Also here are a few photos from a couple of weeks ago of Hunt doing some sewing outside. No we aren't crazy and just went outside to sew! He played with his trucks to!
He also got to try a new sweet treat...Lik M Aid! I wouldn't normally let him have candy(only every now and then, not often AT ALL), but this was given to him and he had been a very good little guy that day. He thought it was ok. He dipped it about 10 rounds and then poured the powder out on the ground(for the birds he said). I was a little sad because mama loves sour powder and I sure would have liked it ...oh well I didn't need it anyway right?!
Not an attractive photo, but here's mama at 31 weeks...
Growing bigger all the time...and not just the belly(ughhh)!
And now at 32 weeks...
At least I have more clothes on huh?...
My last OB visit was the 28th. No good sono pictures to share this round either.
Little Miss Emma is 4 pounds 15 oz. And believe me I can feel every bit of that extra weight while...bending over, doing laundry, many trips to the potty, sitting. Just about all the time. Sitting is difficult because she wants to lay so high, just under my boobs it seems.
She's growing nicely and my blood pressure and glucose has been pretty good to. The following visits they will be checking my cervix...oh joy!!!! Can't wait!!!