During vacation we visited the Texas State Aquarium, ate like piggies, went to The Aransas Pass Wildlife Refuge, ate like piggies, played on the beach, ate like piggies, did some swimming, ate like piggies, oh and did I mention ate like piggies? But the seafood was SO good and both hubs and I love it SO much. Hunt is slowly wanting to try some of it.
Let's see what's been going on since we got home...
Our usual... therapy, art class, story time, vendor fair for mom's group, a Casa play, Rocky Top ranch day, got Hunt signed up for swim lessons and oh yes, I started a parenting class called Love and Logic...we'll see how it goes...
I took over some of our KECPTA mom's group activities coordinating. I was asked to do it all, but denied because I didn't think I could keep up with everything right now. I told the president and chair-holders that I would love to do part of it, or even help someone out. They found another member that was willing to do it so between both of us we should be able to handle it.
And today we started swim lessons. There are 4 kids total in his swim class including him, so that's great. It was more than I wanted to pay, but I'm hoping it will be well worth the money. All of the kids did well today on their first day. Hunt of course was splashing everyone...ughhhhh. But overall he did good I thought. He isn't afraid of the water at all. There is one girl in the class, poor little thing...to be with those rowdy boys. Hubs and I both went today to take him. Hubs is a fantastic swimmer. When he was young they wanted him to swim for the junior Olympics, but he didn't want to. I would have made him if he were my kiddo. Not everyone gets a chance like that, but oh well... I'm a decent swimmer, not the best though. I hope Hunt pays attention and learns a lot. I took some photos, you know how I'm a camera whore. I know, I'm one of them moms...
We had way too much of a good time at the lakehouse this past weekend, or I should say for the most part had a good time. I had a little way too much to drink. I was enjoying Hunt being asleep and me sipping
We're heading back to the lakehouse this weekend for the holiday and will be gone Friday until Monday. I may just stick to some Land Shark lager suds or maybe a vodka or two this time. The boat will also be heading up with us this time. I'm not sure this body is ready for the cold water or any tubing or boarding just yet. Maybe though. There was a few people out wake boarding and tubing this past weekend...brave souls!
Well ta-ta for now...