Monday, May 24, 2010

our couple of weeks activities, more from the vaca and some rambling...

~June 2, 2010~ it JUNE already?!!! What the heck?!!!

Ok, well hello June...I hear you'll be bringing us some HOT weather! Not sure I'm ready, but bring it on!

We've been kind of busy around here. And I still have vacation stuff posting...will it ever end(I know you guys are wondering)?!!! Yes, it will...a little quicker if I can just get blogger to upload my photos faster!

VACATION-Thursday April 29::Day 5
Ahhhh....Morning Laziness...

Thursday was our day to drive through the Aransas Wildlife Refuge.
Who's ready to go...

And the refuge did not disappoint! We saw deer, hogs, lots of alligators, a fox, a raccoon, and many birds...Oh yea...and WAY TOO MANY MOSQUITOES!!!!! There were parts of the area that were swarming with them. Luckily we bought some OFF bug wipes at the refuge check-in building! It was crazy!!! We knew it was probably going to be bad at the refuge since the other night at Fins, while we were eating dinner outside, the mosquitoes were ridiculous! We thought it might have been due to the outside lights, but nope!!! Just bad bugs!

{this poor guy had a rope around his neck}

For dinner we stopped off at Los Comales!

This is our FAVORITE mexican restaurant while on vacation! I wish they were closer to home! And their margaritas...To-Die-For!!!!! SO AWESOME!!!Maybe a little strong, but awesome! And their food is great to!!! YUM YUM YUM!!!! I can't believe I didn't take a photo while we were inside eating...oh well.

These past weeks...
Wednesday the 26th we meet our Early Childhood PTA group at Rocky Top Ranch for some horseback riding, a hay ride and some all out fun! Hunt loves to go to Rocky Top! He loves to ride the horses and sit on the old tractor as well as pet the animals, ride the hay ride and play on their playground and feed grass to the chickens!
This year the ranch tour included going into the goat pen, chicken pen and by the horse stables/barn.

{here...chick, chick, chick...chicken!}

{and Fancy was her name...the horse, not the lady}

{did you know that they had a gorilla to ride to?...hahaha}

{On the hayride}

{Em just hanging out in the sling}

{those boots...}

{well hello Mr. Goat}

{looks like he's having a discussion with this goose}

{in the hen house}

{inside a stable}

{and NO it's not "hook'em horns"'s rock on dude!{GO AGGIES}}

{I wanted to bring home the tan chicken! I loved her!}

{Ok, well maybe I wanted to take all of these...}

{Hunt liked the colorful rooster!}

Later that afternoon we picked more of our tomatos on our dying tomato plant. It looks pitiful!!! But the tomatos are still turning. It's just about gone now.
Thank you oh holy tomato plant for your fruitful goodness! I think that it's important for kids to learn where food comes from. Growing your own fruit or veggies or even going to a pick your own farm shows them that they don't just appear in a grocery store! And it's neat to eat these goodies especially if you understand more about how they grew and were harvested or picked and if you had a hand in it.

Then I let Hunt help me shape our African Bolga baskets. These type of baskets are Fair Trade and are made from elephant grass by women in Africa. When you get them, you have to wet them and re-shape them due to shipping. They ship them all bent up and packed so their shape is wonky! After getting them wet and slinging off the excess water you shaping them and let them dry and they become stiffer and ready to use. We got the small one a while back and the other 3 more recently. We plan on using them for our trips to the pick your own farms or the Farmer's Market. I think they are so beautiful! We can also use them for holding toys or towels in the bathroom or yarn or...whatever we choose.

My babies!


Our Memorial Day weekend was spent around the house. We didn't get to go out to the lake, but it was still nice to have hubs home for a 3 day weekend! He was ready to go back to work though...I guess we drove him crazy those 3 days here!

Oh and our dryer decided to stop heating while tumbling the clothes not too long ago and with all hopes failed that it would magically start again we purchased a new washer and dryer this past Saturday. I do love, love, love them!!! They are the LG-WM2050cw and DLE2050W.

{the pics are from different sites, the washer and dryer are both white}
They work so nicely and sound so quiet! Even Hunt was so excited about them that he told me he wanted to use them!...This mama is ALL for that!!!! HAHAHA!!!! I did tell him that I would show him how to load the clothes in and that he could help and earn some money.

I'm not sure what our neighbor does, but he's some type of salesman or marketer. He's given us some healthy kid's juice in the past and this past weekend he brought over 2 jars of BBQ sauce, a box of green tea, a box of white tea and an all purpose stain remover! YAY for friendly neighbors!!! Thanks Terry!!!

The other day Hunt had found an old cell phone and case that I had gave him that was mine from a few years ago. Oh yes, it's normal for kids to pretend and talk and play with them, but Hunt took it to a whole new level! He clipped the case to his shorts and proceded to make his phone calls. I even overheard him making a call while he was in the bathroom standing up pottying! Can you blieve it?!!! That call must have been VERY important! I think he was talking to a friend of ours named "Troy". So Troy, sorry about the bathroom call from Hunt and the toilet flush in the background! He really needed to talk to you I guess....HAHAHAHA!!!! That crazy Kid!

Monday the 31st the kiddos and I ran out to the pick your own farm and picked blackberries. I know I say this all the time, but... I love going! And...I have a yummy blackberry cobbler recipe curtise of the Pioneer Woman to try out!!! Can't wait! We may give it a go tomorrow.
Here are some photos of us there...

I bought Hunt a T-Ball set Monday at Walmart. It's just a cheep set, good enough for him to play and practice with. I may buy a better one in the future if he seems interested. It didn't cost much and he loved it! He thinks he's a "baseball player man" now(that's his words)! He even went as far as to tell me that he needs a real bat and clothes. I told him that you get those if you are on a team.

I called Mrs. Black and signed Hunt up for more swimming lessons starting on June 7th. She was already booked, but told me that her daughter Jessica is also teaching them and has a few spots left.

Wow...there are so many fun activities lined up for us to do this summer with our Early Childhood PTA group! My camera will be busy!!! What a fun summer we will have!!!

So I'll end the post now and be back soon for more updating...